Monday, September 21, 2015

Paper counterpart driving licence

If you have a paper driving. Your driving licence or entitlement to drive will be. The strategic plan focuses on key areas: simpler. The paper counterpart includes information on a driver’s.

LET’S FACE it, the UK’s two part driving licence – a photocard and paper counterpart, which shows your endorsements – was never the most elegant solution. What is a counterpart driving licence?

Is a photocard driving licence valid? Is there a counterpart driving licence in the UK? What do you need to know about driving licence? The counterpart licence is the paper section that is used to record any endorsements (penalty points) and is often requested by employers and car hire companies to confirm a person’s driving record.

Paper driving licences should not be destroyed and will still be valid after June. NI licences are still made up of two parts, a plastic photocard and paper part which is known as the paper counterpart.

Get a replacement provisional or full driving licence online with DVLA if yours gets lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed. Remove information on counterpart.

Amended INS57P published. You will no longer need. In the past twelve months, motoring law has seen a swing towards the digital era. The next step towards this digital era introduces a service available for individuals who are summonsed to appear in court for minor motoring offences.

The headline news is the abolition of the paper counterpart of British driving licences. From today, you’ll no longer need to carry your paper counterpart driving licence with you. It’s simple: don’t throw it away. I know, it’s not the most exciting news you’ll hear this week, but the DVLA is still claiming it.

As with the abolition of the paper tax disc, the decision to issue no more paper licences is part of DVLA’s drive to digitise motorists’ records and simplify the services it offers, which in turn is part of the government’s Red Tape Challenge. The DVLA check code is the online counterpart of your photo card driving licence, replacing the paper part which is no longer issued.

The check code allows you to view or share your driving licence information, such as your driving recor the vehicles you can drive or any penalty points or disqualifications. From Monday June, the paper counterpart to the photocard driving licence will not be valid and will no longer be issued by DVLA.

The licence paper counterpart no longer has any legal status. Although the images below represent a genuine UK driving licence, the information contained on the licence is purely fictional and will not correspond with any DVLA data. However, in order to change the address, you. This is probably fraud.

Update to Welsh version.

English PDF updated. It was introduced to include details which could not be included on the card itself, like endorsements and which. While the government introduced the counterpart licence to include details that would not fit on the.

At the same time the way in which driving licence endorsements are recorded will also change. Drivers will no longer need the paper counterpart to their licence from 8th June (Getty) Driving licences will go paperless from June as the government continues to press ahead with plans to take. These will no longer be valid and will not be issued anymore by the DVLA.

The abolition of the paper counterpart has come with an updated communication toolkit to help raise awareness of the changes and how they affect UK drivers. Many advisory groups such as the AA have warned that there will be widespread confusion this summer as the paper counterpart to the UK driving licence will be moved online.

In the biggest change since the introduction of the photocard licence, the DVLA officially abolished the green paper counterpart driving licence on June in a bid to streamline services and save. UK driving licence holders hiring a vehicle from us within the UK and Northern Ireland now need to use the online DVLA service “Share Driving Licence ”.

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