Monday, June 24, 2019

How to prepare for an earthquake

When is the best time to prepare for an earthquake? How do you report an earthquake? What is earthquake preparation? Purchase enough emergency food and water for at least three days.

Earthquakes can trap people in their. You should have a gallon of water for each family.

During your earthquake drill : DROP down onto your hands and knees before the earthquake would knock you down. This position protects you from falling but still allows you to move if necessary. COVER your head and neck (and your entire body if possible) under the shelter of a sturdy table or desk. Several factors have to be considered first.

Chile has always been in a zone of tectonic movement for millennia. Therefore before concrete and steel were invented.

Well, they had stronger building standards because of their location in an earthquake zone. If you look at the photos, all of the damaged buildings were the old ones that were build to earthquake standards.

The first step is being aware of where the hazard zones are (and ideally not move there). You can fix the shelves securely to the walls of your home. Make sure you put the weighty things on lower shelves.

You can keep the breakable things in lower cabinets and make sure the cabinets are properly latched. Try not to hang breakable objects such as. During an earthquake DO: Stay put, wherever you are. If indoors, drop to your knees and take cover under a sturdy piece of furniture with your back towards the windows.

If outdoors, drop to your knees and crawl to an open area far from structures. Remove loose items which may fall from shelves or tables and injure others. Secure other items to.

Stock up on emergency supplies. Have a stock of drinking water handy, enough to last three-to-five days, in case you. This may sound obvious, but you’d be surprised to find out the number of people who live in earthquake zones, like California, and don’t do this.

Cover your neck with your arm to prevent injury to your upper spinal cord. How to prepare for an earthquake in steps: Make an earthquake emergency plan and memorize it.for earthquake alerts.

Get an emergency radio like this one from FosPower.

Assemble an earthquake preparedness kit with a fire extinguisher. There are a couple of things you can do to prevent your breakable items from crashing to the ground during an earthquake.

One is to move them to lower shelves and cabinets. Another is to invest in a putty that will keep your breakables secured to the shelf, which you can find at Home Depot.

A tsunami or tidal wave is regularly produced after an earthquake in coastal areas Even if you felt aftershocks, still drop, cover and hold on. Planning and preparing for an earthquake is therefore very important.

Move into the open, away from buildings, street lights, and Stay there until the shaking stops. BEFORE: PREPARE Take action now, before an earthquake hits. The more you rehearse the actions, the more natural the self-protection reaction will be when the quake occurs and everyone will be less likely to panic.

Practice the "drop, cover, hold" drill in each selected safe place. Hunker down beneath the sturdy furniture or against the interior wall, cover your neck and hea and hold on. Learn how to turn off the gas, water, and electricity. Make up a plan of where to meet your family after an earthquake.

Anchor heavy furniture, cupboards, and appliances to the walls or floor. Learn the earthquake plan at your school or workplace.

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